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How to choose the best hair density human hair wigs?

First let us know what hair density in human hair wigs means.

Hair density is nothing but hair thickness. It is the number of strands of hair growing out of each square-inch of your scalp. You can understand the hair density by measuring the circumference of a ponytail.

Pull out a front section of your hair to your side, if you can see the scalp underneath then your hair density is thin. If you hardly see your scalp, then you have a think density hair.
Why does knowing hair density is important before buying the human hair wig?
If you don’t know the hair density of your natural hair you might end up buying a wig too thick or too thin for your hair. It will not look natural on your head. Choosing a wrong density human hair wig will affect your wig look & wig care routine and you might end up burning your pocket as well.
What is the best hair density for human hair wigs?
Once you get an idea about your hair density you might wonder how to choose best density human hair wigs. Wig density measures how full your wig will look on your head.
Here are some tips to choose your wig density based on your hair length.

  1. Short Hair : We recommend a hair density which is between 120 to 150%. They look natural without making it look bulky on your head.
  1. Medium Hair : Hair wig density between 130 to 180% will suit for a medium length hair. You can choose your density based on the volume you are looking at.
  1. Long hair : Higher density hair wigs between 150 to 250% are preferred for a long hair to give that enough volume.
  1. Extra Long Hair : For an extra long hair between 24 inches+, wig density with 250% is recommended. This will give a fuller look from root to tip.

If you are still confused & need more clarity get in touch with us at


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